What is Folic Acid: Understanding its Role in Health and Nutrition

What is Folic Acid: Understanding its Role in Health and Nutrition

Ever heard of folic acid and wondered what it is? This humble yet mighty nutrient plays a vital role in supporting our health and well-being, especially for Women before and during pregnancy. Let us delve into understanding folic acid, its importance, and the crucial role it plays in maintaining optimal health. 

Let’s Start With The Basics 

Folic Acid, also known as vitamin B9, is a water-soluble vitamin that belongs to the B-complex family. It is synthesized in a lab and Unlike some of its vitamin friends, folic acid is pretty rare in its natural form, But thanks to science, we can easily get our folic fix from folic acid vitamins and fortified foods.

Folic Acid’s Role In Our Health

But why is folic acid so crucial for our health? There are various important functions of folic acid include: 

  • Repairs & Builds Cells:  Folic acid plays a pivotal role in DNA repair and replication, which are essential processes for the growth and development of new cells. Without an adequate supply of folic acid, these processes may be damaged, leading to various health issues. 

  • Red Blood Cell Formation: Red blood cells are produced in the bone marrow and its production requires a high rate of cell division. Without adequate folic acid, there could be an increase in large, abnormal, and incomplete red blood cells called megaloblasts,  Hence the disease called megaloblastic anemia.

  • Essential For A Healthy Pregnancy: Low intake before and during pregnancy can lead to premature birth, low birth weight, and neural tube defects, which are caused when the neural tube containing neural cells fails to close during pregnancy. A very common birth defect that has a 70% chance of reduction with supplements.  Since breast milk supplies folic acid to the infant, moms require a greater amount in the lactation stage. 

  • Heart Health: Folic acid has been shown to support cardiovascular health by helping to lower homocysteine levels in the blood. Elevated homocysteine levels are associated with an increased risk of heart disease and stroke, making folic acid an important nutrient for maintaining heart health. 

  • Folic Acid Deficiency: Recognizing the Signs 

    Folic Acid deficiency is surprisingly common, especially among women Here are some signs and symptoms of folic acid deficiency to watch out for: 

    • Fatigue and Weakness
    • Mouth Sores
    • Headaches & Irritability
    • Pale Skin
    • Shortness Of Breath 

    Folic Acid & The Gut  

    The friendly bacteria living in your colon can make folic acid that your body can then absorb and use. Most of it is absorbed in the small intestine, as soon as folic acid supplements hit your bloodstream, your body's cells start rapidly soaking them up like a sponge within just minutes. Folic Acid deficiency can cause gastrointestinal alterations like celiac disease, liver disease, and inflammatory bowel disease. Balancing the use of adequate Folic Acid supplements and a cleaner dietary intake is essential for better gut health.

    Folic Acid Supplements 

    For some individuals, obtaining sufficient folic acid through diet alone can be challenging. In such instances, supplements with folic acid vitamins provide a convenient and effective way to ensure adequate intake. Folic acid is more readily absorbed or bioavailable than folate from food. 

    When selecting a supplement, look for one that meets the recommended dietary allowance (RDA) of 300(mcg) for adults, with higher doses of up to 570 mcg potentially advised for pregnant individuals.

    Ideally, start taking folic acid supplements at least one month before conception and continue through the first trimester of pregnancy to prevent birth defects. The best time to take folic acid supplements is typically in the morning, either with or without food, to ensure consistency and improve absorption. 

    Always consult with a healthcare professional before beginning any supplementation regimen, especially during pregnancy or if you have underlying health conditions, to determine the right dosage and avoid potential interactions with other medications. 

    Folic Acid-Rich Foods 

    Fortunately, apart from folic acid vitamins and supplements, folic acid is found abundantly in a variety of foods, making it easy to incorporate into your diet. Here are some excellent sources of folic acid: 

    • Leafy Green Vegetables
    • Legumes
    • Citrus Fruits 
    • Whole Grains 


    Folic acid is a true powerhouse nutrient that plays a crucial role in supporting our health and well-being. From DNA synthesis and red blood cell formation to the prevention of neural tube defects, the benefits of folic acid are far-reaching and profound. By incorporating folic acid-rich foods into our diet and, if necessary, considering supplementation under the guidance of a healthcare professional, we can ensure that our bodies receive the nourishment they need to thrive.  

    People also ask: 

  • When to take folic acid morning or night? 
  • Preferably, people take folic acid in the morning to not forget it. 

  • What are good sources of folic acid? 
  • Leafy greens, legumes, citrus fruits, whole grains, fortified cereals, and supplements are excellent sources of folic acid. 

  • Who needs folic acid? 
  • Pregnant women, lactating women, and people with folic acid deficiency especially require folic acid. 

  • Is folic acid good for the skin? 
  • Folic acid supports healthy cell growth and repair, which can contribute to improved skin health. 

  • Is folic acid natural? 
  • Folic acid is not a naturally occurring substance. It is the synthetic form of folate, a type of B vitamin (B9).

  • Can I use folic acid daily? 
  • Yes, folic acid is safe for daily use, particularly for people who may have an increased need for it, such as pregnant women or those with deficiencies. However, it is safe to consult a doctor before starting any medication or supplement.