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Is Matcha a Good Option for People Dealing with Diabetes?

Matcha tea has become dramatically popular among people here in India. And why shouldn’t it be? After all, matcha green tea offers anticarcinogenic, anti-inflammatory, and anti-viral properties. But does matcha green tea help people suffering from diabetes?

If you have the above question in mind, we have the answer. Below, we’ll discuss what matcha green tea is and how it is different from normal green tea. Also, we’ll find whether or not matcha helps deal with diabetes. And in the end, we’ll reveal a trustworthy matcha tea product. So, read in full.

What is Matcha Tea & How Is It Different From Regular Green Tea?

Matcha comes from Camellia sinensis, the same plant regular green tea comes from. However, for matcha, the leaves of this plant are grown under shade. This increases the chlorophyll and antioxidant content in matcha tea.

And because of this process, matcha gets its traditional bright green color. Also, unlike regular green tea, the entire leaf is used for making matcha green tea.

Regular green tea also contains antioxidants. However, the content of antioxidants(flavonoids) in matcha is much more than regular green tea. Now, let’s find whether or not matcha helps deal with


Is Matcha Good For People With Diabetes? If Yes, How?

Matcha is naturally known to protect you from both Type-1 and Type-2 diabetes. Here’s how:

One of the main components of matcha that’s helpful for diabetes is epigallocatechin-3-gallate or EGCG. This EGCG prevents the softening of the vascular muscle cells, which is caused by blood sugar levels. Also, this component helps reduce bad cholesterol levels.

Diabetic patients are prone to kidney disorders. Fortunately, matcha can help you prevent potential kidney and liver issues without impacting your glucose levels.

Furthermore, obesity or being overweight can increase the problems for a diabetic person. Here again, EGCG in matcha helps reduce pancreas fatty degeneration that further helps prevent weight gain. And if you have your weight under control, diabetes will be easy to handle.

With that said, it’s clear how helpful matcha green tea is for people suffering from diabetes. Let’s learn how much matcha tea you need per day.

How Much Matcha Is Good Enough To Deal With Diabetes?

A lot of research has been conducted to calculate the right amount of matcha tea to deal with diabetes. And as a result, 2 cups of matcha green tea are good enough for this purpose.

Whether you’re suffering from diabetes or want to prevent it, 2-3 cups of matcha green tea daily will help you with this. After all, matcha tea is associated with several benefits: fasting glucose, LDL cholesterol, triglycerides levels, low BMIs, etc.  

Where can you get matcha green tea? Well, there are several products out there in the market. But, here’s what the experts recommend: Organic Japanese Ceremonial Grade Matcha Green Tea from Wellbeing Nutrition.

What is Japanese Ceremonial Matcha Green Tea?

Japanese Ceremonial Grade Matcha Tea is a premium grade matcha green tea from Wellbeing Nutrition. This tea is sourced directly from Uji, Japan. The organically grown Tencha leaves are stone ground for producing the best ceremonial grade matcha green tea tablets.

This product comes with almost 137 times the antioxidants and is ten times more powerful than regular green tea. Furthermore, Japanese Ceremonial Matcha Green Tea comes with abundant Epigallocatechin Gallate. And this ingredient can help improve digestion, reduce inflammation and enhance immunity.

Here are the overall benefits of Japanese Matcha Green Tea:

  • Boosts Energy
  • Enhances Metabolism
  • Reduces Stress
  • Protects your Skin
  • Enhances Immunity
  • Improves Dental Health
  • Enhances Digestion
  • Supports Cognitive Health
  • Improves Heart Health

All these benefits come enclosed in a single Japanese Matcha Green Tea tablet. Yes, you don’t have to carry that messy tea bag. Instead, just drop a tablet in warm water, let it dissolve, and sip it up. And you’re done. 

Can anyone consume Japanese Matcha Green Tea?

Nope. This product isn’t for kids. Japanese Matcha Green Tea is suitable for anyone above 18. In addition to that, this product is vegan, gluten-free, sugar-free, artificial color-free, GMO-free, and low in sodium. All in all, it’s completely safe for consumption and clinically tested to offer the promised benefits.

Wrapping Up

Matcha Green Tea is not called a superfood, just like that. It’s called a superfood because of the benefits it brings along. And some of those benefits are for people suffering from diabetes. So, if you have diabetes or simply want to prevent it, Matcha Green Tea is a reliable drink to consume.

And if you want the best product in the market, you can rely on Japanese Ceremonial Matcha Green Tea. This is clinically tested, safe for consumption and known to offer amazing benefits. So, get your pack now.  


  • Kochman, J., Jakubczyk, K., Antoniewicz, J., Mruk, H., & Janda, K. (2020). Health Benefits and Chemical Composition of Matcha Green Tea: A Review. Molecules (Basel, Switzerland), 26(1), 85.
  • Prasanth, M. I., Sivamaruthi, B. S., Chaiyasut, C., & Tencomnao, T. (2019). A Review of the Role of Green Tea (Camellia sinensis) in Antiphotoaging, Stress Resistance, Neuroprotection, and Autophagy. Nutrients, 11(2), 474.
  • Jakubczyk, K., Kochman, J., Kwiatkowska, A., Kałduńska, J., Dec, K., Kawczuga, D., & Janda, K. (2020). Antioxidant Properties and Nutritional Composition of Matcha Green Tea. Foods (Basel, Switzerland), 9(4), 483.
  • Kim, H. M., & Kim, J. (2013). The effects of green tea on obesity and type 2 diabetes. Diabetes & metabolism journal, 37(3), 173–175.
  • Chu, C., Deng, J., Man, Y., & Qu, Y. (2017). Green Tea Extracts Epigallocatechin-3-gallate for Different Treatments. BioMed research international, 2017, 5615647.
  • Al-Goblan, A. S., Al-Alfi, M. A., & Khan, M. Z. (2014). Mechanism linking diabetes mellitus and obesity. Diabetes, metabolic syndrome and obesity: targets and therapy, 7, 587–591.
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