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4 Reasons Why You Should Choose Eye Care Melts

An old adage says “ you eat with your eyes first “ - but, just for once we would like to tweak it a little and urge you to follow the mantra “eat for your eyes first” because they are the most important channels that connect us with the world.
We assure you that you’ll always have healthy and sparkling peepers if you begin taking care of them everyday. Read on as we tell you eye-opening facts about eye health and reveal secrets about a revolutionary quick-action dietary supplement for their nutrition – Eye Care Melts by Wellbeing Nutrition.

Major Threats To Eye Health

Before we list 4 compelling reasons to choose Eye Care Melts, it is important to understand the major threats to eye health.

●    One of the main reasons for weak eyes and onset of conditions like poor and blurry vision (myopia/presbyopia),eye strain and fatigue, retina damage, cataract etc, is poor nutrition.

●    Prolonged digital exposure, lack of exercise and irregular eating sleeping habits combine to take a toll on our eyes.

Foods And Essential Nutrients For Healthy Eyes

Daily intake of foods rich in key vitamins and minerals that are essential for eyes is the first and most important step to maintain eye health.

Vitamin A-rich foods like carrot, broccoli, pepper, spinach, cheese, eggs and fish are essential to keep conditions like dry eyes and night blindness at bay.

Antioxidant and Vitamin E & C-rich foods are vital to protect eyes from oxidative stress that cause cataract and age-related macular degeneration (AMD). Foods like almonds, peanuts, sunflower seeds, avocados and vegetable oils like flaxseed oil, wheatgerm oil, safflower oil, oranges, guavas must be included in our daily diet.

Studies have shown that foods rich in Vitamin B6, B9 and B12 like kale, collards, legumes, beans, chickpeas, fishes like tuna and salmon, chicken and meats are very important dietary sources to maintain good vision.

We must also include foods rich in Omega 3 Fatty Acids like flaxseeds, chia seeds, fish, walnuts, tofu, shellfish, canola oil, brussels sprouts, and avocados as they prevent onset of glaucoma and macular degeneration.

There are other dietary micronutrients that are essential for eye health but we tend to miss out on them due to our hectic lifestyles. Every organ in our body including eyes need adequate nutrition to function properly and enhance defense against various diseases.

Hence it is important to include scientifically advanced supplements like Wellbeing Nutrition’s Eye Care Melts in your daily dietary routine. Intake of this plant based non GMO, GMP certified supplement, made from an all natural formula with bioactive ingredients, ensures adequate nutrition absorption required for eye health.

Reasons Why You Should Choose Melts Eye Care

Some of the main reasons why you should choose Melts Eye Care are:

●    Active Ingredients: Eye care Melts provide 80% more key bioactive ingredients like lutein & zeaxanthin derived from marigold flowers- 100% natural extracts as compared to other available supplements that come in the form of gummies ,capsules, and tablets. Each oral strip contains phytochemicals from organic beetroot that protect your eyes from age-related degeneration and also contains NAG- A natural sugar found in the body that helps create hyaluronic acid, which lubricates the eyes and maintains visual acuity. Each dose provides potent antioxidants from Bilberry, which prevents retina disorders, cataract issues, nearsightedness, and glaucoma.

●    Bioavailability: The clinically proven Unison Effect Formula naturally protects the eyes from retina damage, strain and blue light irritation. Eye Care Melts are 100% bioavailable fast acting, oral supplements that you can have anytime and provide your eyes with high quality nutrition that boosts vision and reduces eye muscle fatigue. Each ingredient in melts interacts in synergy to have a reciprocal reaction. This increases the efficacy of the entire formulation leading to more bioavailability and better, faster absorption of nutrients.
●    Zero Added Sugar & Preservative Each oral strip of Eye Care Melts contains only natural plant based ingredients in precise dosage. It contains no added sugar or taste enhancers and is 100 % preservative free.

●    High Absorption: Eye care melts are rapid dissolving nano strips that convert key plant-based extracts into nanoparticles. You don’t even need water to swallow this super supplement as these strips 'melt' upon coming in contact with your tongue to ensure easy and complete absorption of all the goodness and nutrients in an extremely enjoyable and fun manner. Unlike a pill or a gummy, melts never reach your gut, infact it directly reaches the bloodstream. Ensuring that none of the formulation disintegrates in the stomach acid or digestive enzymes, leading to better absorption of the nanoparticles.

Key Takeaway

Wellbeing Nutrition’s Melts for Eye Care is a healthy, tasty and revolutionary product of advanced nano-science that fills the nutritional gap effectively. Lutein and zeaxanthin are the best nutrients for your eyesight. Melts Eye Care are formulated using Lutemax 2020,a patented extract which contains lutein and eaxanthin, commonly known as eye vitamins, which reduce inflammation in your eyes, boost sharpness of your vision and protect the retina against light-induced damage.

Eyes and vision are priceless and must never be taken for granted hence it is important to be aware of all the nutrients and daily regimen that are needed to keep them healthy. After all, 10/10 nutrition and care gives 20/20 vision! Don’t you agree?


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