5 Reasons Why Melts Multivitamin Are Vital

5 Reasons Why Melts® Multivitamin Are Vital

Most of you may notice that after a certain age, your friends and family take multivitamin supplements. Have you wondered why? Well, with age some people tend to experience nutritional deficiencies due to loss of appetite, intake of multiple antibiotics, dietary restrictions, stress, and the like, that can severely impact one’s nutrient absorption. Multivitamins are nothing but supplements comprising different vitamins and minerals, at times along with other ingredients. There are a plethora of supplements available in the market and more often than not, it can get quite confusing to choose which ones work for you. After all, different supplements include different permutations and combinations of nutrients. But worry not, for we have the perfect multivitamin supplement for you- Melts® Multivitamin! What are they and why are they essential, you ask? Well, let’s find out!

What Are Melts® Multivitamins?

Melts® Multivitamins is a complete revolutionary multivitamin supplement. It comes in the form of rapid dissolving nano strips, which converts vital plant-based extracts into nano particles. Once these strips are placed on the tongue, they instantly dissolve. Hence their name- ‘Melts’. This instantaneous dissolving of the strips ensures effortless and complete absorption of the nutrients. Unlike the cumbersome activity of swallowing traditional pills, these strips are easy to consume and taking multivitamins regularly will no longer feel like an arduous task.

So Why Are Melts® Multivitamins Vital?

While multivitamins are not a ticket to optimal health, it definitely helps plug in the nutritional gaps in your diet. After a certain age, doctors prescribe their patients to take multivitamins regularly, especially if they find them falling sick too often. If you are someone who has been recommended by your medical practitioner to start consuming multivitamins regularly, then Wellbeing Nutrition’s Melts® Multivitamins is definitely for you! After all, it is fast-acting and ensures better absorption and bioavailability than traditional capsules and pills. Melts® Multivitamins have several health benefits. Let's look at them below. 

1.   To Strengthen Immunity

If you always suffer from cold and cough, reel with gut-related issues often, have frequent infections, and wait a long time for your wounds to heal, you know you have a weak immune system. Poor lifestyle habits such as smoking,drinking insufficient amounts of water, skipping meals regularly, getting disturbed sleep, drinking too much alcohol, or grappling with too much stress could all cause your immune system to weaken. When you’ve been diagnosed with low immunity, you will be recommended to take multivitamins daily. When that happens, choose Melts® Multivitamins.

2.   To Help You Plug In The Vitamin Deficiencies

When you are always on the go and don’t get the time to cook up a nutritious meal, you may go for foods that are easily available, which may not always be healthy. If you continue this for a long period of time, it could result in you falling sick quite often. If your food lacks the necessary nutrients that your body needs, you ought to find other ways of plugging in the nutritional gaps. Failing to do so could result in serious deficiencies and health problems. That is when you need to take multivitamins and Melts® Multivitamins is just what you need!

3.   To Feel Energetic and Rejuvenated

One of the most common symptoms of nutritional deficiencies is fatigue, listlessness, and low productivity. If you are someone who is constantly feeling tired, you may need to get your vitamin levels checked. You may need to supplement a balanced and healthy diet with  Melts® Multivitamins. Having a strip everyday after your meal, will slowly and steadily build your stamina and energy levels.

4.   To Come To The Rescue If Your Food Lacks Adequate Nutrition

If your food lacks adequate nutrition, then ensure you take multivitamin supplements as they will help you meet your nutritional requirements. Nutritional deficiencies can lead to some serious health problems so in order to avoid that opt for a multivitamin supplement that will help you overcome your deficiency. Multivitamins are a permutation and combination of several vitamins, minerals and ingredients. Choose the one that contains the specific nutrient you require. Before choosing a multivitamin, it is best you speak with your healthcare provider to decide what course of action to take.

Melts® Multivitamins contains:

  • Vitamin A : to improve vision and immunity-related problems.
  • Vitamin B-complex : to bolster the production of red blood cells, prevent infections, improve cognitive function and energy levels.
  • Vitamin C: to develop and replenish all body tissues, lower blood pressure, enhance iron absorption in the body and improve antioxidant levels to neutralise free radical activity.
  • Vitamin D3: to boost mood and cognitive function, strengthen bone and muscles, and enhance immune function.
  • Vitamin K2: Vitamin K2 is often taken along with vitamin D3 to improve calcium absorption in the body. That is why it helps in improving bone density and minimizing bone fractures.
  • Ashwagandha: This is an adaptogenic herb that helps to keep stress at bay. It also helps to reduce inflammation in the body, lower blood pressure, regulate sugar levels, and improve immune function.
  • Magnesium: To improve heart health and nerve function.
  • Ginseng: An effective energy booster.

5.   To Improve Digestive Issues

One of the major signs of a healthy immune system is a healthy gut and vice versa. Gut issues can often lead to lower nutrient absorption, which, in the long run, can adversely affect the immune system and your overall health and wellbeing. Opting for a multivitamin that not only fills the nutritional gaps in your diet but also protects your gut from all kinds of infections and diseases, is the best. Melts® Multivitamins will ensure your gut stays healthy and protects the T-cells situated in the intestines that play a vital role in improving immune function. After all, a healthy gut equals a healthy you!

Final Takeaway

Melts® Multivitamins, like all the other variants of Melts, have been made using German Nanotechnology called The Unison Effect. These mouth-dissolving thin strips are delivered sublingually (which make them melt-in-the-mouth good). This is the USP of these multivitamins- the fact that they can be consumed anytime, anywhere without water. This way you don’t have to experience any of the difficulties associated with swallowing pills and capsules. Containing 30 strips in each pack, you must consume one strip everyday after a meal. This means, one pack of Melts® Multivitamins will last you a month. But like most supplements, you need to take it continuously for at least 6-8 weeks to start seeing results. Given that it is US FDA approved and 100% organic and plant-based, it is completely safe to consume for as long as you want to. So if you are trying to decide which multivitamins to buy, we now hope you know which product to trust!
