Top 10 Magnesium-Rich Foods

Top 10 Magnesium-Rich Foods

Magnesium is an essential mineral regulating over 300 enzymatic reactions in the body. It is majorly important for sleep, muscle function, and other bodily functions. Hence, it is integral to include magnesium as a part of daily diet. 

Daily consumption of magnesium is recommended around 310-420 mg daily for adults. There are various sources of magnesium including: 

Guava: Raw Guava is rich in mineral content, especially calcium and potassium. One serving of raw guava contains around 36 mg of magnesium, apart from all other micronutrients. 

Flaxseed: Flaxseed is rich in flavonoids, including Flavone-C and Flavone O-glycosides. Flaxseeds contain around 350-431 mg of magnesium per 100 gm serving. 

Banana: Although bananas are known for their rich potassium content, they also provide magnesium in sufficient amounts, around 37 mg of magnesium in one large banana. In addition, bananas provide micronutrients like vitamin B6, manganese, and fiber. Bananas are also rich in sugars, especially resistant starch. 

Spinach: Spinach is known for its iron content. However, one cup of spinach has 157 mg of magnesium in it, apart from other nutrients such as iron, vitamin B6, C, and zinc. 

Broccoli: Broccoli is famous for its vitamin C content. However, it also contains magnesium in sufficient amounts, around 21 mg of magnesium per serving. It is also rich in fiber, and other micronutrients. 

Avocado: Avocados are known for their rich magnesium content, with around 58 mg per medium avocado. Along with high fiber, they offer various other micronutrients like B vitamins that help reduce inflammation, improve cholesterol levels, and promote satiety. 

Wheat: Whole wheat is a good source of magnesium compared to other grains, with around 160 mg per cup. 

Quinoa: Quinoa is known for its nutrient benefits, including high protein and mineral content. One cup of cooked quinoa has around 118 mg of magnesium.    

Brown Rice: Different types of rice have varying nutrient content. Long-grain, cooked brown rice contains about 43 mg of magnesium per serving. 

Dark Chocolate: Dark chocolate contains around 65 mg of magnesium per serving, along with other micronutrients, and prebiotic fiber. Its high antioxidant content, especially flavonols supports heart health by preventing LDL cholesterol oxidation and arterial plaque building.  

Other Sources 

There are many other sources of magnesium such as beans, nuts, seeds, fruits, and grains. Fatty fish also contain magnesium in high amounts. However, cooking for prolonged periods may lead to loss of nutrients due to heat. Hence, care should be taken about cooking and consumption. 

Magnesium Supplements 

Sometimes diet cannot fulfill nutrient requirements, especially for lactating or pregnant women, people on heavy medication, diabetics, or surgery patients. Even normal individuals may fall back on an adequate nutrient supply. Hence, nutraceutical supplementation is recommended to consume. Magnesium supplements available in the market are varied based on formulation, sourcing, and authenticity of the brand. However, picking out the right supplement is essential. 

How To Increase Magnesium Absorption & Bioavailability 

Our body absorbs only some amount of magnesium consumed. The absorption of magnesium may be hampered by interference with other nutrients, medical conditions, etc. Hence, to increase magnesium absorption and metabolism to its maximum, a few suggestions are recommended: 

  • Avoid taking zinc supplements simultaneously with magnesium, since it interferes with magnesium absorption into the blood. 
  • Try taking magnesium in powder form dissolved in liquid, since it tends to absorb better than solid form. 
  • Synergistic effect: Take magnesium supplements and adequate amounts of vitamin D and calcium, since they work together in synergy. 
  • Eat raw vegetables instead of excessively cooked or boiled. 
  • Avoid phytates, as they bind to magnesium and impair its absorption. 
  • Avoid drinking alcohol and smoking. 

Magnesium Toxicity 

Too much consumption of magnesium or magnesium supplements can lead to magnesium toxicity, also known as hypermagnesemia, which indicates high levels of magnesium in the serum. it is a critical balance that needs to be maintained. The symptoms of magnesium toxicity include nausea, vomiting, urine retention, lethargy, muscle weakness, etc. Excessive magnesium may also cause calcium deficiency since it interferes with calcium absorption. Hence, it is advised to consult your doctor before deciding to take any supplementation. 


Magnesium is an essential part of metabolism and diet, hence it can be taken from various sources. Simple adjustments to your diet and lifestyle can enhance nutrient absorption and metabolism and contribute to a better health quality.