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How Does Garcinia Cambogia Aid In Weight Loss?


Garcinia Cambogia

Garcinia Cambogia. Most of you may have heard this name for the first time in your lives. But this is not an exotic place in Brazil; it’s actually a fruit that helps lose weight. Surprisingly enough, Garcinia Cambogia is a primary ingredient in several weight loss supplements.

Want to know how Garcinia Cambogia helps you lose weight? If you said yes, you’re in the right place. Here we’ll discuss what Garcinia Cambogia is and how it helps shed those extra kilos. Also, in the end, we’ll list a supplement with Garcinia Cambogia as one of the primary ingredients to help you lose weight.

What is Garcinia Cambogia? 

Garcinia Cambogia, aka Malabar tamarind, is a yellow or greenish-colored fruit. You can think of it as a small pumpkin. Garcinia Cambogia is actually a fruit that is quite sour in taste. It’s why people don’t consume raw Garcinia Cambogia and use it in cooking.

The extract of the fruit peel is used for making Garcinia Cambogia supplements. It’s because the peel contains an abundant quantity of HCA or hydroxy citric acid. This HCA component exhibits weight loss properties.

Most Garcinia Cambogia supplements come with 20-60% HCA, however, according to the studies, the supplements that have 50-60% HCA content are the most beneficial. So, make sure to check the HCA content before purchasing Garcinia Cambogia supplements.

Can Garcinia Cambogia help you lose weight?

Several studies have tested the effects of Garcinia Cambogia for weight loss. And some of those studies indicate that Garcinia Cambogia can help lose weight. As per a research published in the Journal of Obesity, Garcinia Cambogia helps lose 2 pounds more as compared to a placebo. This was reported over a period of 2 to 12 weeks. However, additional studies are required to truly prove its efficacy in losing weight in the long run. While we are at it, let’s look at how this fruit aids in weight loss.

How does Garcinia Cambogia help you lose weight?

There are two ways by which Garcinia Cambogia aka Malabar tamarind may help you lose weight:

1. Might Reduce your Appetite
According to a study, rats that were fed Garcinia Cambogia supplements ate less food. Several human studies have also indicated that consumption of garcinia Cambogia makes you feel full and suppresses your appetite.

2. Might Help Reduce Belly Fat and Fat Production
Garcinia Cambogia is known to impact fatty acid production and blood fats. Also, both animal and human studies show that Garcinia Cambogia may help reduce the fat in blood and oxidative stress. Another study says that Garcinia Cambogia might be effective in reducing belly fat in overweight people.

Garcinia Cambogia exhibits the above properties by inhibiting citrate lyase. Citrate lyase plays a crucial role in fat production. And inhibiting this helps lose weight.

By now, you would know how garcinia Cambogia helps lose weight. So, let’s move towards the supplement that contains Garcinia Cambogia.

ACV with Garcinia Cambogia
Apple Cider Vinegar or ACV with Garcinia Cambogia is a nutritional supplement from Wellbeing Nutrition. It’s made from naturally fermented apples sourced straight from the Himalayas. Along with the high-quality apples, this supplement contains the power of Garcinia Cambogia and Pomegranate.

And these ingredients can offer the following benefits:

● Healthy weight management
● Promotes weight loss
● Glowing skin
● Ease bloating
● Prevent gas
● Antioxidant-rich
● Better metabolism
● Better digestion
● Enhanced gut health
● Detoxification

Unlike other regular apple cider vinegar products, this supplement doesn’t taste bitter. It actually tastes good.

Also, consuming ACV with Garcinia Cambogia is easy. Just drop a tab in water and let it fizz. Once done, enjoy a nourishing and healthy drink.

What’s more, the supplement is organic, vegan, plant-based, dairy-free, gluten-free, sugar-free, non-GMO and USDA-certified. In short, ACV with Garcinia Cambogia is completely safe for consumption and non-allergic.

Can anyone consume ACV with Garcinia Cambogia?
As said earlier, ACV with Garcinia Cambogia is safe for consumption. However, this supplement is recommended for people who’re eighteen years or above. It means this supplement isn’t meant for kids.

Also, before consumption, make sure to consult your nutritionist. This way, you can prevent any unforeseen complications.

Wrapping Up

Although additional research is required to prove the complete efficacy of using Garcinia Cambogia for weight loss, the available studies suggest that it has the potential to aid the body to shed excess weight.

You may have to go for supplements that contain only garcinia Cambogia. You can go for Wellbeing Nutrition’s supplement as it contains both Garcinia Cambogia and apple cider vinegar, both of which will help the body to regulate its metabolism and lose weight. This proves how certain supplements containing this superfood along with the help of other potent ingredients, can help you lose weight and lead a healthy lifestyle. So, get your pack of ACV with Garcinia Cambogia now.

▪ Tharachand, & Selvaraj, C. Immanuel & Avadhani, M.. (2013). Medicinal properties of Malabar tamarind [Garcinia cambogia (Gaertn.) DESR.]. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Review and Research. 19. 101-107.

▪ A clinical and computational study on anti-obesity effects of hydroxycitric acid: Taken from:!divAbstract

▪ Semwal, R. B., Semwal, D. K., Vermaak, I., & Viljoen, A. (2015). A comprehensive scientific overview of Garcinia cambogia. Fitoterapia, 102, 134–148.

▪ Ohia, S. E., Opere, C. A., LeDay, A. M., Bagchi, M., Bagchi, D., & Stohs, S. J. (2002). Safety and mechanism of appetite suppression by a novel hydroxycitric acid extract (HCA-SX). Molecular and cellular biochemistry, 238(1-2), 89–103.

▪ Onakpoya, I., Hung, S. K., Perry, R., Wider, B., & Ernst, E. (2011). The Use of Garcinia Extract (Hydroxycitric Acid) as a Weight loss Supplement: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomised Clinical Trials. Journal of obesity, 2011, 509038.

▪ Hayamizu, K., Ishii, Y., Kaneko, I., Shen, M., Okuhara, Y., Shigematsu, N., Tomi, H., Furuse, M., Yoshino, G., & Shimasaki, H. (2003). Effects of garcinia cambogia (Hydroxycitric Acid) on visceral fat accumulation: a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial. Current therapeutic research, clinical and experimental, 64(8), 551–567.

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