5 Things Men Should Do To Improve Fertility

5 Things Men Should Do to Improve Fertility

Out of the total infertility cases, 40-50% are because of men. Fortunately, most fertility issues pertaining to low sperm count, motility, or sperm quality can be treated just by making some lifestyle changes. Want to know what those changes are? Well, read along.

This blog talks about 5 things men should do to improve their fertility.

What is Male Fertility and Infertility?

To put it in simple terms, fertility refers to men’s ability to impregnate their female partners without medical assistance. And infertility, on the other hand, is any health issue that can lower the chances of getting their female partners pregnant. While infertility in females is usually a more complicated procedure to manage or overcome, you can easily deal with male infertility.

Whether you’re trying to become a father or are just worried about your fertility, doing the 5 things mentioned below is likely to help.

Top 5 Things for Men to Improve Fertility

Here are the top 5 things for men to do in order to enhance their fertility.

1. Exercise Regularly

Besides keeping you fit and helping you maintain an optimum weight, regular exercise can help you improve fertility and enhance testosterone levels. Several studies show that men who exercise regularly have higher levels of testosterone than those who don’t. What’s more is that randomized controlled trials also suggest that physical exercise can enhance semen parameters that can positively impact fertility in men.

2. Consume Vitamin C Regularly

Vitamin C is usually known for its ability to protect your immune system. However, some studies say that consuming vitamin C might help improve men’s fertility too.

For instance, one study conducted in infertile men showed that consuming 1000 mg of vitamin C supplements 2 times a day for 2 months improved the sperm count by over 100% and the sperm motility by about 92%. Also, the same study showed that the amount of deformed sperms was reduced by 55%.

3. Reduce Stress and Relax

When it comes to men’s fertility, your mood and stress play an important role. It’s because when you feel stressed, the cortisol levels rise. This rise in cortisol levels leads to a decline in the levels of testosterone, which further has a bad impact on men’s fertility.

So, make sure you relax your mind and ward off stress by including some meditation, yoga, light exercise, cycling, or walking in your daily routine.

4. Include Vitamin D in your Diet

Vitamin D is important for both female and male fertility. The levels of vitamin D are usually linked to the testosterone levels in your body. For instance, an observational study showed that men with low vitamin D levels are more likely to have low testosterone levels too.

Some other studies state that high vitamin D levels are linked to improving sperm motility. So, make sure you consume vitamin D-rich food items or supplements to improve fertility.

Consider Ashwagandha

Ashwagandha can help boost immunity, calm your brain and lower blood pressure. But one more thing ashwagandha helps with is fertility. It’s known to improve testosterone levels in men, which further has a significant impact on men’s fertility.

While you can follow the above tips and experience a boost in infertility, there’s something far more effective. And what is that? Slow Fertility.

Slow Fertility from Wellbeing Nutrition is a time-conscious supplement that comes in Vegan Omega Oil, which is meant for both men and women who want to start a family and improve their chances of becoming fertile. The natural ingredients used in the supplement is what makes it so special.

Slow fertility comes with a B complex that helps improve sperm count and motility, and ashwagandha is also known to enhance sperm motility, improve the overall sperm quality and boost stamina. So, if you think you’re suffering from poor sperm motility for sperm count or low-quality sperm, you can go in for this supplement.

To be able to improve the chances of fertility, you need to consume two capsules of Slow Fertility each day. Having one of them on an empty stomach in the morning is preferred. The best part is that Slow Fertility is clinically tested, free from side effects, and completely safe for consumption. So, order in a pack from Wellbeing Nutrition right about now.

Wrapping Up

Sometimes, simple tips such as the ones mentioned above can significantly improve your fertility. However, if they don’t seem to help, you can always consult a doctor and start with supplements to improve your fertility issues. So throw in two capsules of Slow Fertility for bettering your chances of improving your fertility.

However, if you think there’s a serious underlying problem that might be affecting your fertility, it’s better to contact a medical professional. After all, a doctor/professional will be able to diagnose and devise a more specific solution.


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