If you are a nutritionist or a diet expert, you would have been asked for a ‘free diet plan’ at weddings or social gatherings! There is suddenly so much awareness about food, portion size, clean eating and ‘dieting’ recently, that almost every second person you meet is on some or the other ‘diet’. So what exactly is dieting and why is it trending – Let’s get to know more about it!
What is dieting?
Diet is simply what we consume on a daily basis and dieting just translates into an actionable thing, that is what a person eats on a day-to-day basis. However, in recent times, dieting has assumed a new meaning, which is restrictive eating. People look at dieting as a measure to cut down those extra calories and as a quick fix to losing weight. But in reality, the concept of dieting is more vast than that. Few people understand the real meaning of dieting, which is more of a lifestyle change. It is not just about calorie deficit or starvation, but more of undergoing a transformation towards good health. It also means a state of physical and mental wellbeing.
Benefits of Being On A Nutritious Diet
Let us now understand the benefits of being on a wholesome, nutritious diet.
- Making a shift towards healthy habits of eating right and exercising helps to prevent lifestyle diseases like obesity, diabetes, heart diseases and others (Prevention is better than cure, isn’t it?).
- Increased energy levels, improved mood and feeling good about oneself are the other extra perks of following a healthy diet and lifestyle.
- A healthy lifestyle also means falling sick less often and having a good immune system in place (isn’t that THE most important thing right now?)
- Since following a healthy diet is a lot about lifestyle changes, good quality restful sleep and low stress levels are some additional bonuses!
Research has also suggested that for people who are contemplating moving towards a healthier lifestyle, the ‘small-change’ approach is a good starter. Studies state that people with weight issues tend to respond better to this approach, which includes taking baby steps towards a lifestyle change rather than merely dieting. Dieting can be a small step in the direction of a bigger and healthier lifestyle change.
The New Era In The Field Of Nutrition
This is an era of technology. Right from smart watches to smart health apps, technology has taken over in almost every aspect of life today. Talking about technology in nutrition and health, there are several supplement brands that make health supplements for day-to-day consumption.
One such brand is Wellbeing Nutrition. Daily Greens is a comprehensive multivitamin made with over 39 farm fresh greens and vegetables, fruits and superfoods. It also contains a whole bunch of vitamins and minerals that help to fill the gap of these nutrients in our daily diet. Some of its benefits include boosting immunity, improving digestion, reducing inflammation in the body, relieving stress and an uplifting mood, among other things.
Another product, Apple Cider Vinegar, also called as a holistic health booster, is made using premium quality Himalayan apples and 2x the ‘mother’. It is curated using a blend of ancient vedic science and modern fermentation technology – which is exactly the need of the hour. Boosting metabolism, regularising blood sugar levels, improving digestive health and detoxifying the body are some of its many health benefits.
These products help to meet the daily goals of good nutrition keeping in mind one’s daily requirements. You can see the other products here , which will help you reach your goal of a healthier lifestyle. Making these whole food supplements and products a part of your daily routine along with a healthy, balanced diet and regular exercise routine is the way to lead a healthier and more wholesome life!
Final Takeaway
To summarize, a healthy diet and lifestyle acts as a prophylaxis against many metabolic diseases. Some of the simple doable healthy changes include eating a variety of fruits and vegetables, reducing the amount of total fat in the diet, restricting the use of sodium and sugar, and engaging in regular physical activity. Following these steps not only keeps you healthy, but also prevents one the frequent doctor visits!
References :
- Changing Your Habits for Better Health, National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Issues, (https://www.niddk.nih.gov/health-information/diet-nutrition/changing-habits-better-health)
- Hills AP, Byrne NM, Lindstrom R, Hill JO. 'Small changes' to diet and physical activity behaviors for weight management. Obes Facts. 2013;6(3):228-238. doi:10.1159/000345030. (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5644785/)
- Healthy Diet, World Health Organisation. (https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/healthy-diet)
- Skerrett PJ, Willett WC. Essentials of healthy eating: a guide. J Midwifery Womens Health. 2010;55(6):492-501. doi:10.1016/j.jmwh.2010.06.019(https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3471136/)