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    You rely on your eyes to keep track of what’s happening around you, and to help you see the beauty of this world. That’s why it’s important to maintain good eye health and care, both with products and with habits, from the moment you are born until the moment you die. Many people may not be aware of how vital eye care is to their overall health and well-being, but it’s important to remember that eyes are often the first to show signs of aging, disease and other physical ailments that could affect the rest of your body.

    Many of us take eye care and eye health for granted, especially as we age. We assume that our eyesight will gradually deteriorate as we get older, but that doesn’t have to be the case. By taking care of your eyes now, you can prevent many common eye problems from occurring later in life and you can make sure that you’re getting the most out of your vision in the meantime.

    Dry eyes are one of those conditions that you can get used to, but it’s not something you should live with. Dry eye is a common health condition caused by your eyes not producing enough tears to keep them moist. For some people, dry eye can be temporary, especially if it’s caused by allergies or something irritating your eyes, such as smoke or cold weather. But for others, it can be a long-term issue that affects their daily life and comfort.

    The sooner you start taking care of your eye health, including maintaining proper moisture levels in your eyes (tears) and using high-quality eye care products, to keep things healthy, the better off you’ll be. It’s hard to say how long it takes for dry eyes to become permanent—it depends on a number of factors.

    But often eye doctors will treat patients aggressively so their eyes don’t suffer irreversible damage. Treatment can include prescription eye drops and ointments, artificial tears, lubricating contact lenses and surgery to repair what is causing the eyes to tear excessively or stop producing tears altogether.

    A comprehensive eye exam is essential for detecting any abnormalities that could lead to serious problems such as glaucoma or macular degeneration later in life.

    Yes! While more complex eye problems will require medical intervention, there are many natural ways to heal your eyes. Green tea is an antioxidant powerhouse that has been shown to reduce eye inflammation and improve eye function in people with macular degeneration, one of the leading causes of blindness.

    A diet rich in leafy greens and lutein-rich foods (such as spinach) may also protect you from cataracts. And by keeping a balanced electrolyte level, you can also prevent dry eyes. Maximizing eye health isn’t just about eating and drinking well—exercise helps too. Endurance training increases blood flow to all parts of your body including your eyes; if you don’t have time for a full workout, walking at least 15 minutes every day will do wonders for eye health. And don’t forget to blink frequently: blinking moisturizes eye tissue and keeps tear levels balanced throughout the day.

    Vitamins C and E are good food for eyesight improvement. Vitamin C helps improve eye health because it is a powerful antioxidant that helps fight free radicals, which cause tissue damage. Along with protecting against free radicals, Vitamin C also helps maintain elasticity in your blood vessels and capillaries so that you can have good circulation and clear vision. The body does not produce Vitamin C on its own, so it must be ingested from foods or dietary supplements.

    The outermost layer of your eye is called the corneal epithelium, a thin layer that helps protect it from outside elements. Your eyes secrete tears to keep them moist, but if your diet doesn’t provide enough moisture, you can end up with dry and irritated eyes. Keep a healthy balance between omega-3 fatty acids and saturated fats by eating fish like salmon every week, as well as leafy greens like kale and spinach—all high in vitamin A.

    Foods rich in Vitamin C include oranges, lemons, strawberries, raspberries and broccoli. Several eye care products also contain vitamin C to help protect eyes from free radical damage. Vitamin E comes in two forms: alpha-tocopherol and delta-tocopherol (or gamma-tocopherol). Alpha-tocopherol is better absorbed by our bodies than delta/gamma-tocopherol, but both work well to prevent cellular oxidative stress such as UV radiation or pollution exposure.

    If you want to protect your vision over time, then it’s important to take good care of your eyes. But what are some eye care products that we need? What foods should you avoid when looking after your eyes?

    You can avoid foods that contain high levels of histamine because these increase blood flow in the body and will lead to inflammation and dilated blood vessels which again may contribute to short-term symptoms like headaches and red eyes.

    Histamine is usually found in beer, cured meats, and fermented foods such as soy sauce. Histamine-containing foods should be avoided by people with seasonal allergies too since they also experience dilation of blood vessels which results in redness around their eyes.

    Since your eyes are almost entirely made up of water, it’s important to keep them hydrated with plenty of water. Beyond that, you need to avoid eating or drinking things that will further dry out your peepers. Keep your eyes moist and healthy by cutting back on sugar (particularly from processed foods), caffeine, salt, fast food and alcohol.

    Instead, focus on whole foods like fruits and vegetables. They’re loaded with vitamins A and vitamins C—both essential for keeping eyesight sharp. And stock up on omega-3 fatty acids; these brain-boosting fats encourage blood flow to all parts of your body, including your eyes. Other eye health tips include giving your eyes a break every few hours when you stare at screens (i.e., stop using laptops after a certain time at night) and donning sunglasses whenever possible. Even if you don’t plan on being outside in bright light, sunglasses have been shown to help prevent macular degeneration as well as reduce eye strain from digital devices.

    You can also take eye care products & eye care supplements, they're said to provide valuable nutrients needed for optimal eye health and vision support. Certain natural compounds found in some eye care products may help protect against cataracts and age-related macular degeneration, which is one of the leading causes of blindness among older adults. When choosing an eye care product, check labels for ingredients such as lutein, zeaxanthin, and zinc, which may promote healthy eyesight over time.