The human body requires a range of nutrients to stay healthy, away from all kinds of deficiencies. However, the diet most Indians consume doesn’t offer all the nutrients we need. And this puts us at risk of numerous nutrient deficiencies, which we’ll discuss below.

Fortunately, you can deal with these deficiencies by consuming natural supplements. In this blog, we’ll briefly discuss some common deficiencies along with natural supplements to help you deal with the same.

7 Common Nutrient Deficiencies That You Can Tackle with Natural Supplements

Here are a few common nutrient deficiencies that you can tackle with the help of natural supplements.

1. Iron Deficiency

Iron is an essential nutrient for your body. Being an important component of RBCs, iron helps transport oxygen to all of your cells. However, iron deficiency is pretty common in the world, let alone in India.

For instance, anemia (caused due to iron deficiency) affects almost a quarter of the worlds’ population, which is quite a lot.

Fortunately, you can deal with iron deficiency by consuming the right diet that includes canned sardines, shellfish, organ meat, and red meat. Now, these sources of iron aren’t viable for vegans in India. This is when natural supplements come into the picture.

You can rely on Melts Nano Iron from Wellbeing Nutrition, which offers you iron and improves its absorption protecting you from iron deficiencies.

2. Vitamin D

It is an important fat-soluble vitamin that comes with numerous benefits. For instance, vitamin D is linked with cellular proliferation, cell differentiation, apart from exhibiting anti-inflammatory properties. Our body produces vitamin D from the cholesterol in our skin with the help of sunlight.

Unfortunately, India is the third country after Bangladesh and Pakistan, with the highest prevalence of Vitamin D deficiency. This is because most of us don’t go out that often in the sun, due to which the body is unable to synthesize vitamin D.

However, you can deal with this by consuming Melts Natural Vitamin D3. The supplement is natural, safe and helps prevent vitamin D deficiency.

3. Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 helps with proper nerve function and improves heart health. However, this vitamin isn’t produced by one’s body, which is why you need to consume foods rich in this nutrient to have sufficient levels of it in the body. However, the right amount of the same usually comes from animal foods, which becomes quite a problem for those who are vegans or vegetarians. That is why, you need natural supplements like Melts Vegan Vitamin B12 to replenish vitamin B12 levels in the body.

4. Calcium

Calcium is another essential nutrient for your body as it helps mineralize your bones and teeth. However, your body doesn’t produce calcium on its own. This means you need to consume it from foods you eat or go in for dietary supplements instead. While you can rely on milk and dark green veggies, here’s a natural supplement that contains both: Daily Greens. It offers you all the veggies and fruits in the form of tasty effervescent tablets.

5. Vitamin A

Vitamin A is essential for your eyes, skin, teeth, bones, and your cell membranes. However, its deficiency is pretty common among Indians and usually ends up impacting one’s eyes, leading to poor vision.

Nevertheless, you can deal with Vitamin A deficiency with the help of Melts Multivitamins. This supplement contains several nutrients along with vitamin A, such as vitamin B complex, vitamin C, vitamin D 3, magnesium, etc. You better hurry and get yourself a pack now!

6. Magnesium

Involved in over 300 enzyme reactions, magnesium is another important nutrient for your body. However, its deficiency can lead to osteoporosis, type-2 diabetes, and even metabolic syndrome.

Fortunately, you can deal with magnesium deficiency with the help of, Melts Multivitamins, yet again. This supplement comes with numerous other nutrients that will certainly ensure your overall well being.

7. Vitamin C

Although least common on the list, vitamin C deficiency is a serious problem that can lead to dental and gum issues, dry hair, anemia, poor skin health and even low immunity. However, similar to the above supplements, you can deal with this deficiency with a natural supplement like Organic Vitamin C + Zinc.

Organic Vitamin C + Zinc contains both vitamin C and Zinc, as the name suggests, and offers double benefits in just a single tablet.

Why Go In for Natural Supplements instead of Natural Food?

The amount of nutrients vegan food sources contain is pretty low. For instance, 100 grams of spinach contains 2.7 mg of iron, which is just 15% of the daily requirement. So, to meet the daily need, one has to consume more than 500 grams of spinach, which is not viable.

What’s more is that foods such as meat or fish contain more nutrient content, however, there’s a limitation. And that is that vegans or vegetarians don't consume meat. But worry not as natural supplements like the ones that Wellbeing Nutrition has to offer are organic and plant-based, which have been manufactured to address this issue.

Natural supplements contain the required nutrients in a concentrated and tasty form, which makes them easy to consume. Also, most supplements are plant-based, which allow vegans to consume the nutrients they need.

Wrapping Up

Although nutrient deficiencies are common, they’re treatable too. With the right natural supplement from Wellbeing Nutrition, as mentioned above, you can tackle all your deficiencies easily. So, find out what you are deficient in and order in whatever natural supplement you need from Wellbeing Nutrition now.


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