Can Men And Women Consume The Same Vitamin Supplements

Can Men and Women Consume the Same Vitamin Supplements?

There are different perfumes, fairness creams, clothes, shoes, and several other items for men and for women. While you can think of them as marketing gimmicks, what about dietary supplements? Are vitamin supplements gender-neutral, or do women need different supplements as compared to men?

Well, the answer to the above question is a bit more complex than it seems. However, we have tried our best to explain this in this blog. So, read along if you're seeking an answer.

Can Men and Women Consume the Same Supplements? Why or Why Not?

Considering basic biology, there are differences between both the sexes. Also, when it comes to nutritional needs, both males and females need almost the same amount of carbohydrates, calories, and protein. Well, this is what our food pyramid told us when we were kids, right?

However, the food pyramid failed to teach us that the nutritional needs along with the biological differences as mentioned above change largely with age. So let's understand the changing needs with some examples.

Example 1: Muscle Mass and Puberty

For instance, in the case of men, they need more protein to enhance their muscle mass as they grow. And for women, as they enter into puberty, they undergo menstruation. On one side, menstruation denotes the entry of a female into womanhood, and on the other, it takes a toll on the female's body which can leave a woman malnourished, fatigued and weak if their nutrient requirements aren’t replenished on a regular basis.

Example 2: Sexual Vitality and Osteoporosis

When men become old (45 and over), the level of testosterone drops. While men remain fertile their entire life, due to the testosterone drop, they are likely to require testosterone supplementation, unlike their female counterparts.

However, in females (in their thirties), bone health starts deteriorating at a faster rate than men. This bone health worsens even more & puts females at the risk of osteoporosis when they reach menopausal age (around 45). To deal with that women need to boost calcium intake, unlike their male counterparts.

This is how the nutritional needs change for both men and women, and so does the need for dietary supplements. So, men and women should opt for different vitamin supplements to ensure they get all the benefits meant specifically for them.

Although there is no major issue if both the genders consume the same supplement, they won't be as effective. And it's the reason you should go for the dietary supplements meant only for you.

Do Men and Women Need Vitamin Supplements?

A healthy, nutrient-rich diet can offer you the required nutrients regardless of your gender. However, in this hectic lifestyle. This is when vitamin supplements (multivitamins) come in.

Vitamin or dietary supplements contain the right amount of nutrients in the right quantity and in a tasty form. This way, consuming and extracting the nutrients becomes easy. However, you need to choose the right kind of dietary supplement (multivitamin supplement) to ensure you get the benefits.

Fortunately, we've done the research for you and have listed two multivitamins, one for men and the other ones for women. Read along to find out more.

Multi for Him

Multi for Him Slow from Wellbeing Nutrition is a time-conscious multivitamin supplement in MCT oil that contains everything essential to ensure good health in men (who're 18 or above).

This supplement comes with caffeine which acts as a stimulant, ginseng, that helps increase energy yield, while MCT provides you with instant energy. Magnesium and vitamin D support bone homeostasis and promote calcium retention, while selenium and Vitamin B12 support your muscle function.

All in all, Multi for Him Slow is one of the best multivitamin supplements, which is all that you need to ensure overall good health and wellbeing.

Multi for Her

Multi for Her Slow from Wellbeing Nutrition is a time-conscious supplement in vegan Omega oil for women (who're 18 or above). This is one of the best dietary supplements crafted for women that helps ensure overall good health and wellbeing.

Multi for Her Slow comes with B-complex vitamins that improve reproductive health and metabolism, folic acid and DHA to relieve the cramps, chromium for better weight, and iodine for better hormonal balance.

Furthermore, it comes with vitamin D for stronger bones, vitamin C to prevent bacterial growth, vitamin A for better eye health, and biotin, zinc, and selenium for enhanced skin health.

All these benefits and nutrients are in a capsule. Now, how can you beat that? Both men and women need to take two capsules of their corresponding dietary supplement (Multi for Him and Her) to experience the benefits.

Wrapping Up

Although most nutrient needs are the same for men and women, they need different nutrition with age. So, make sure to go for Multi for Him Slow if you're a male and Multi for Her Slow if you are a female and see what these nutrients can do for you.


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