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5 Best Vitamins and Minerals for a Healthy Immune System

Coronavirus (COVID-19) continues to spread all over the world and now with continuously rising cases in India buzz the alert alarm. While there is no vaccination and treatment yet in sight, it is very important to boost your immune system and keep in fight mode. To that end, here are six proven nutrient supplements to boost your immune system.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is possibly one of the best nutrients you can include in your diet if you’re looking to give your immune system a great boost. It helps to activate the production of white blood cells, also known fighter cells as these are the cells that help to fight foreign invaders that may cause allergy, infections and viral disease.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is also requiring to repair and grow new tissue; it helps in healing wounds and maintaining healthy bones. It also has potent antioxidant properties, thus fighting free radicals that can deteriorate the immune function.

Consume foods rich vitamin C such as oranges, kiwifruit, spinach, kale, bell peppers, strawberries, and papaya on a daily basis.


Zinc has become a superhero, when it comes to fighting common colds. It helps fight bacterial & viral infection and speed up wound healing. It is very critical for immune cells' development and function. It can also stimulate particular immune cells; thus, its deficiency can lead to a weakened immune response.

Zinc may also reduce oxidative stress and enhance the immune response by increasing the activity of T-cells and natural killer cells, which help protect your body from infection. It also appears to control inflammation in your body.

Studies have shown that taking zinc supplements may reduce the duration of cold up to 50% and also may reduce the number of upper respiratory infections in children.

Studies have shown that taking zinc supplements may reduce the duration of cold up to 50% and also may reduce the number of upper respiratory infections in children. Zinc also participates in cell growth and division and reduce oxidative stress.

You can find zinc in seafood like fish, oysters, crabs, and poultry like lean meats, eggs, legumes, beans, nuts & seeds, yogurt, chickpeas, mushrooms, kale, and peas, etc.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E may enhance the function of immune cells as it plays an important role in the differentiation of immature T cells. Its deficiency induces the decreased differentiation of immature T cells, which results in the early decrease of cellular immunity. Thus it helps ensure healthy immune function as we age.

Like vitamin C, vitamin E also acts as a potent antioxidant that supports in fighting off infection. Vitamin E can be found nuts, oilseeds and dry fruits like almonds, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, til seeds, etc.


Iron plays an important role in immune function. It helps to deliver oxygen throughout the body that is essential to the growth of B cells and T cells that are major cellular components of the immune system. Its deficiency can cause anaemia and can deteriorate the immune function.

Foods rich in iron

Therefore, low iron levels affect the body’s capacity to adequately protect the body from viruses, bacteria, and other pathogens.

Foods rich in iron include organ meat, poultry, fish, shellfish, legumes, nuts, seeds, dried fruit, dates, and watermelon. Combining Vitamin C rich foods can boost the absorption of iron from foods.


Selenium plays a key role in the health of your immune system. This potent antioxidant helps lower oxidative stress, which reduces inflammation and enhances immunity.

Selenium plays a key role in the health of your immune system. This potent antioxidant helps lower oxidative stress, which reduces inflammation and enhances immunity

Studies have proven that increased serum selenium level is linked with increased immune function. Its deficiency can harm immune cell function and may lead to a slower immune response.

Selenium rich foods are brazil nuts, organ meats, seafood, whole grains, garlic, onions, and mushrooms, etc.

Take Away

Our immune system does a remarkable job of defending us against infectious and viral diseases. Keeping it on point is vital to stay fit and healthy. Here are certain vitamins and minerals that can help us achieve the same. Thus adding them in the daily diet via food or supplementation would be beneficial.

Also remember, nutrients work in a synergistic manner, such as Vitamin C works wonderfully well in combination with Zinc, similarly, combining Vitamin C with Iron-rich foods can enhance the iron absorption in the body. which is why we have combined these vital nutrients in our ‘’ Daily Greens’’ formulations to boost your immune system. Simply mix an effervescent tablet in water and your immunity boosting drink is ready to enjoy!

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