What’s a machine without fuel? Incapable. That’s precisely what your body will be if you do not give it the fuel it needs. We lead hectic lives, often juggling more balls than we can keep from falling to the ground. With schedules that always need us to be brimming with energy and trying to accomplish all the tasks on our to-do list, our body requires its share of nutrients, the ones we can get from eating right and leading a healthy life, but we often struggle to do that. Those are times when our body starts acting up and indirectly tries to tell us that we must pull up our socks and meet all of its vitamin requirements.

Two of the most important vitamins are B12 and D3. Half of the world's population is deficient in vitamin D3. Women and seniors over the age of 60 are also more prone to B12 deficiencies. There is a very high chance of you developing one of these deficiencies, but there’s nothing to worry about if you can figure out your deficiencies before it’s too late. Vitamin d3 and b12 deficiency symptoms can be easily identified. Let’s learn how to determine your D3 and B12 deficiencies to help you take the right action at the right time.

Role of Vitamin D3

Vitamin D3, a crucial fat-soluble vitamin, is pivotal in various physiological functions. Primarily known for its role in calcium absorption and bone health, it contributes to maintaining a strong skeletal system. Beyond bone health, Vitamin D3 is essential for immune function, supporting the body's defense against infections and diseases. It also plays a role in regulating mood and preventing conditions like seasonal affective disorder. Adequate Vitamin D3 intake is integral to overall health and well-being. Symptoms of vitamin D deficiency encompass fatigue, bone pain, muscle weakness, impaired immune function, and, in severe cases, it can lead to bone disorders such as osteoporosis.

Role of Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12, a water-soluble vitamin, is crucial for various physiological functions. It is key in red blood cell formation, neurological function, and DNA synthesis. Essential for maintaining healthy nerve cells, B12 aids in preventing neurological disorders and supports cognitive health. Regular intake of Vitamin B12 is vital for overall well-being, particularly for those at risk of deficiency, ensuring proper energy metabolism and the optimal functioning of the nervous system. Symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency include fatigue, weakness, tingling or numbness in the extremities, difficulty walking, cognitive disturbances, and, in severe cases, anemia.

Why are Vitamin D3 and B12 Deficiencies


Vitamin D3 and B12 deficiencies are common for several reasons:

Vitamin D3 deficiency:

Limited sun exposure: When the skin is exposed to sunlight, the body produces vitamin D3. People who live in areas with minimal sun exposure, such as those in the north, are more likely to be deficient.

  • Melanin: Melanin, a pigment found in dark skin, inhibits the skin's capacity to synthesize vitamin D3 from sunlight.
  • Clothing: Wearing clothing covering most of the skin lowers exposure to sunlight, which can contribute to deficiency.
  • Aging: When exposed to sunshine, the skin produces less vitamin D3.
  • Diet: Vitamin D3-rich foods are scarce, and it is sometimes difficult to obtain enough through diet alone.

Vitamin B12 deficiency:

  • Diet: Because vitamin B12 is mostly found in animal-derived foods, people who adopt a vegan or vegetarian diet may not obtain enough of it.
  • Absorption issues: Because of illnesses such as pernicious anemia or gastrointestinal surgery, some people have trouble absorbing vitamin B12 from their meals.
  • Age: As people age, their ability to absorb vitamin B12 from their diet declines.

Signs of Vitamin B12 and D3 Deficiencies

Vitamin D3 and B12 deficiency symptoms can even hamper your day-to-day routine; hence, it's essential to identify them. Effects of low vitamin B12 and vitamin D can range from fatigue to gastric troubles. Let's look at some common B12 and D3 deficiency symptoms.

  1. Weakness and Fatigue

Often overlooked, feeling tired is one of the most common vitamin D3 deficiency symptoms. If you suffer from chronic daytime fatigue and headaches, getting your D3 levels checked would be a wise decision. Another thing you must check is your B12 levels, as a lack of this vitamin can make you feel tired and low on energy.

D3 enhances bone strength by increasing the absorption of calcium and phosphate, so its deficiency makes you weaker. B12 is vital in producing healthy red blood cells that carry oxygen for energy production. As a result, a lack of B12 causes fatigue.

  1. Mood Changes and Depression

Low levels of B12 are believed to cause sudden mood changes. Some studies also show that mood and brain disorders like depression and dementia could be some of the symptoms of a B12 deficiency. This happens because the fall in vitamin levels causes high levels of homocysteine, which could damage brain tissue and interfere with signals.

A depressed mood may also be the result of a D3 deficiency. If you do not have these essential vitamins, supplements may help improve your mood, but they cannot be a substitute for seeking professional help.

  1. Bone and Back Pain

Vitamin D3 improves the human body’s absorption of calcium, so if your bones ache, it could be one of the many signs of D3 deficiency. People who lack this vitamin are believed to be more prone to bone pain in their legs, joints, or ribs. It may also cause lower back pain severe enough to limit a person’s movement.

  1. Pale Yellow Skin

Is your skin starting to look pale? Do your skin and the whites of your eyes have a yellow tinge? If yes, you must get your B12 levels checked. Jaundice and pale skin are the most common signs of B12 deficiency, so watch out for these. These symptoms most likely occur because there is less production of healthy red blood cells.

  1. Falling Sick Frequently

While it could result from flu season, your immune system should be able to fight off the germs and viruses to keep you from getting sick as frequently. Vitamin D3 is known to help you strengthen and boost your immunity to keep colds and coughs away. If your body cannot protect itself against these unwanted guests, it could result from a vitamin D deficiency—one you must not ignore.

  1. Gastrointestinal Issues

Frequent stomach upsets could be a sign of vitamin b12 and D3 deficiency. Gastrointestinal issues can signal deficiencies in Vitamin B12 and D3.  B12 absorption occurs in the stomach and small intestine. Conditions like atrophic gastritis, pernicious anemia, Irritable Bowel Disease (IBD), celiac Disease, or other gastrointestinal disorders can hinder the absorption of B12, leading to deficiency. Symptoms include constipation, loss of appetite, and glossitis. Gastrointestinal disorders that affect fat absorption, like Crohn's disease or celiac disease, can lead to abdominal pain, constipation, or diarrhea due to Vitamin D3 deficiency as its absorption occurs in the small intestine.

  1. Difficulty concentrating and Mental Impairment

Unable to focus? Maybe you lack sufficient vitamin B12 and D3. Vitamin B12 is essential for neurological function, and its deficiency may lead to cognitive issues, including memory lapses and difficulty focusing. Similarly, Vitamin D3 receptors are present in the brain, and a lack of it has been linked to cognitive decline.

  1. Pain and Inflammation of Mouth & Tongue

Painful sores or ulcers could also indicate vitamin B12 or D3 deficiency. Adequate cell growth and renewal requires vitamin B12, and its deficiency can lead to painful inflammation of the tongue, called glossitis. B12 deficiency may also show up as tingling or burning sensations in the mouth. Vitamin D3, on the other hand, has anti-inflammatory properties, and its deficiency may intensify inflammation in various tissues, including the oral mucosa.

  1. Paresthesia in hands and Feet

Vitamin B12 and vitamin D3 play crucial roles in the proper functioning of the nervous system, and their deficiencies can contribute to neurological symptoms, including paresthesia (tingling or numbness) in the hands and feet. Vitamin B12 is essential for synthesizing myelin, a protective covering for nerves. Myelin ensures the proper transmission of nerve impulses. Deficiency in B12 can lead to demyelination, disrupting nerve signal transmission, while vitamin D3 deficiency affects nerve function and may also impact muscle strength.

  1. Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile function is dependent on a healthy nervous system. Damage to the nerves that control erections due to B12 deficiency can contribute to ED. Similarly, proper blood flow and regulation of testosterone hormone are crucial for achieving and maintaining an erection. Dysregulation of blood flow or sex hormones arising from vitamin D deficiency could be a contributing factor for erectile dysfunction.

What Should You do if a Deficiency is Found?

Contact your doctor to get the numbers if you have been observing Vitamin B12 and D3 deficiency symptoms. You can take precise steps once you know how much D3 or B12 deficiency you have.

Most of the time, these deficiencies can be overcome by changing your diet or using good nutrient supplements; however, medicines might be required for more complicated cases.

Treatment for Vitamin B12 and D3 Deficiency

The low vitamin D and B12 treatment would depend on what causes B12 and D3 deficiency.  Treatment typically involves supplementation, dietary changes, and addressing the underlying causes. Increase consumption of foods rich in vitamin B12, such as meat (especially organ meats like liver), fish, eggs, and dairy products. Consider fortified foods like cereals, plant-based milk alternatives, and nutritional yeast. Vitamin B12 and D3 supplements are available in various forms, including cyanocobalamin and methylcobalamin cholecalciferol. Identifying and addressing any underlying causes of vitamin D and b12 deficiency, such as pernicious anemia, gastrointestinal disorders, malabsorption issues, lack of sunlight exposure, or certain medical conditions.

Natural ways to prevent Vitamin D3 and Vitamin B12 Deficiency

Here are some natural ways to help prevent deficiencies in these vitamins:

Vitamin D3:

1. Sun Exposure:

Spend time outdoors in sunlight, especially during the midday when the sun's rays are more direct. Exposure of arms, face, and legs to sunlight can stimulate vitamin D production in the skin.

2. Dietary Sources:

Include foods rich in vitamin D, such as fatty fish (salmon, mackerel, tuna), fortified dairy products, fortified plant-based milk alternatives, egg yolks, and mushrooms exposed to sunlight.

3. Supplementation:

Consider vitamin D supplements, especially if you have limited sun exposure or if you have factors that may increase your risk of deficiency.

4. Maintain a Healthy Weight:

Vitamin D is fat-soluble, and excess body fat can sequester it, making it less available. Maintaining a healthy weight can contribute to optimal vitamin D levels.

5. Regular Exercise:

Engage in regular physical activity, as exercise may enhance the effectiveness of vitamin D in the body.

Vitamin B12:

1. Dietary Sources:

Consume foods rich in vitamin B12, such as meat (especially organ meats like liver), fish (especially salmon and trout), eggs, dairy products, and fortified foods like cereals and plant-based milk alternatives.

2. Include Fermented Foods:

Fermented foods like yogurt and kefir contain B12-producing bacteria and may contribute to B12 intake.

3. Supplementation for Certain Populations:

Vegetarians and vegans may consider B12 supplements or fortified foods, as plant-based sources are limited.

4. Regular Health Check-ups:

Regularly monitor your B12 levels, especially if you have conditions that may affect absorption, such as pernicious anemia or gastrointestinal disorders.

5. Limit Alcohol Consumption:

Excessive alcohol consumption can interfere with B12 absorption. Moderation is key to maintaining optimal B12 levels.

Diet for B12 Deficiency:

Fish, clams, eggs, and red meat are some food items that can help you keep your B12 levels in the normal range. Milk, nori, shitake mushrooms, and nutritional yeast are great choices for vegetarians. Vegans can supplement their diets with fortified foods or take supplements.

Diet for D3 Deficiency:

The best way to boost D3 concentration in your body is to soak in some sun every day. It is free and awesome. Food items you can include in your diet are fish liver oil, fatty fish, egg yolk, and beef liver. Vegans and vegetarians can try supplements or fortified foods to fulfill their D3 requirements.

Wrapping Up

Vitamin D and B12 deficiency can weaken the immune system and make people susceptible to all sorts of diseases that impact both the body and mind. Vitamin D3 deficiency symptoms and B12 deficiency symptoms can affect your daily routine, so treating the deficiencies becomes essential. Eating healthy foods rich in the two vitamins can help your cause, but it may not always be enough. Also, finding time to cook healthy meals every day could be challenging for a generation always on the go. In that case, supplements are always available to give you help.


What is the fastest way to fix B12 deficiency?

Having Vitamin B12-rich and fortified foods, popping up Vitamin B12 supplements or vitamin B12 shots, or a high oral dose of vitamin B12 are some of the fastest ways to fix the deficiency of vitamin B12.

What is the most common cause of B12 deficiency?

Medical disorders affecting the stomach, such as Food Bound Cobalamin Malabsorption (FBCM) and H pylori infections and gastric surgical procedures like gastrectomy or gastric bypass are some of the most common causes of the absorption of vitamin B12

Can vitamin B12 deficiency be a sign of cancer?

Vitamin B12 deficiency arising due to pernicious anemia increases the risk of developing stomach cancer as it is associated with the immune system attacking the healthy cells of the stomach.

Are vitamin D and B12 deficiency linked?

Studies claim that vitamin D deficiency is linked to vitamin B12 deficiency, as Vitamin D deficiency decreases the absorption of vitamin B12, creating a deficiency.

How can I raise my vitamin D level quickly?

Eating Vitamin D rich and fortified foods, having Vitamin D supplements or vitamin D shots or high oral doses of vitamin D are some of the fastest ways to fix B12 deficiency.


  • Mishra VA, Harbada R, Sharma A. Vitamin B12 and vitamin d deficiencies: an unusual cause of Fever, severe hemolytic anemia and thrombocytopenia. J Family Med Prim Care. 2015 Jan-Mar;4(1):145-8. doi: 10.4103/2249-4863.152276. PMID: 25811010; PMCID: PMC4366991. (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25811010/)
  • Gani LU, How CH. PILL Series. Vitamin D deficiency. Singapore Med J. 2015;56(8):433-437. doi:10.11622/smedj.2015119. (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4545131/)