There’s always a debate on which products are the best: vegan or non-vegan. The vegans prefer vegan products while the non-vegetarians prefer non-vegan or animal-based products. However, research shows how vegan products, plant-based healthcare supplements, or vegan diets, in general, are better and more beneficial to the health than animal sources. Want to know why? Well, there are several reasons behind this. And this is what we’ll talk about in this blog. So, let’s get started.

What are vegan products?

Vegan products or supplements are the ones that are made using plant sources only. There is no use of animals in preparing food items or supplements. Examples of vegan foods can be legumes, nuts, fruits, vegetables, and vegan healthcare supplements.

But why are vegan products better than the ones sourced from animals? Let’s find out.

Why are vegan products/supplements better than non-vegan ones: Top 3 Reasons?

Here are a few reasons why vegan products/supplements are better than the non-vegan ones.

1.    No Animal Cruelty

Do you consume meat or meat products? Well, if you do, you must know that the animals are butchered in slaughterhouses to find their way on the plate. On the contrary, plants aren’t slaughtered. Fruits , vegetables and crops are harvested once they are ripe and ready. These fresh produce like fruits and vegetables are also used for creating plant-based supplements that are good for health. To many people, consuming meat or animal-based products isn’t ethnically/religiously correct. And it’s the prime reason why most people switch over to vegan products.

2.    No-Risk of Diseases

Consuming meat, especially from the roadside, is quite risky. Even at the most prestigious restaurants, the risk of infection prevails. Also, there’s enough evidence, which suggests that consuming meat, especially red meat, leads to a rise in cholesterol and can cause heart-related issues. Fortunately, vegan products don’t carry this risk. You can wash and boil vegetables/ fruits, and they’re good to eat. And same goes for plant-based supplements. Vegan or Plant-based-supplements strengthen the immune system, thanks to its rich antioxidant profile and 100% organic ingredients, keeping all kinds of infections at bay.

3.    Highly Nutritious

Non-vegan food items and products have several benefits. There’s no doubt about it. However, the benefits increase exponentially when it comes to plants or vegan sources. Consuming fruits and/or vegetables can help you:

●    Reduce the risk of chronic diseases
●    Lose or manage weight
●    Reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes
●    Reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases
●    Improve overall well being
●    Enhance digestion
●    Prevent animal slaughter
●    Ensure daily nutrient content
And you can ensure the same benefits by consuming vegan healthcare supplements. Where can you find vegan healthcare supplements? Let’s explore.

What are some Reliable Vegan Products/Supplements in the Market?

Wellbeing Nutrition is a nutritional supplements company known for its vegan, organic, and plant-based products/health supplements that actually work. Wellbeing Nutrition has this whole range of unique products that ensure your overall wellbeing.
Let’s briefly talk about some supplements from Wellbeing Nutrition below:
Daily Greens: This supplement is 100% plant-based, vegan, and extracts nutrition from 39 fresh fruits and vegetables and several foods rich in antioxidants. Daily Greens has all the nutrients you need to stay healthy and energetic each day. For further details, visit here.
Grandma’s Kadha: This supplement has the goodness of 13 medicinal herbs that offer relief from cold, cough, congestion, and throat issues. Grandma’s Kadha is completely plant-based and organic too.
Apple Cider Vinegar: ACV is another amazing vegan product from the house of Wellbeing Nutrition. It’s made from crushed apples and has more benefits than you can imagine. It improves digestion, enhances immunity, and also helps your skin. There is another variant of the same- Apple Cider Vinegar with Amla and Turmeric, which brings with it additional goodness of spices like turmeric, amla, cinnamon and black pepper, further strengthening the immunity and keeping all kinds of infections and diseases at bay.
Melts Range: This is a unique range of products from Wellbeing Nutrition. Melts are thin oral strips that are tasty, easy to consume, and offer cool benefits. This range includes:
●    Eye Care
●    Healthy Gut
●    Nano Iron
●    Multivitamins
●    Restful Sleep
●    Throat Relief
●    Natural Vitamin D3
●    Vegan Vitamin B12
●    Healthy Hair
●    Instant Energy
All of the above supplements are completely natural, come without preservatives, are plant-based and organic. And the best part is they’re all clinically tested for offering the promised benefits.

Japanese Ceremonial Grade Matcha Green Tea : Made from the highest quality grade of matcha that’s used extensively in traditional Japanese tea ceremonies, Wellbeing Nutrition’s Matcha Green Tea is the best detox drink you can have. Prepared from organically grown tencha green tea leaves, sourced all the way from Uji, Japan, stone ground to perfection, Wellbeing Nutrition’s Japanese Ceremonial Grade Matcha Green Tea contains 137 times more antioxidants than regular green tea, making the former ten times more potent than the latter. Consuming this drink at least twice a day will help you maintain a healthy body weight, strengthen your immunity, and feel energised, among other things.

Wrapping Up 

Whether you’re talking about diet or healthcare supplements, vegan products are the best. Vegan products offer all the nutrition your body needs without slaughtering animals.
And if you aren’t able to consume vegan food, you can go for vegan food supplements. Such supplements, like the ones from Wellbeing Nutrition, contain all essential vitamins and minerals the body requires from time to time. So,what would you choose- vegan or non vegan products?


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