5 Ways You Can Maintain Your Blood Sugar Levels

5 Ways You Can Maintain Your Blood Sugar Levels

Keeping your blood sugar levels within control is quite essential to prevent or at least delay severe long-term health problems such as polyuria, diabetes, heart disease, loss of vision, and kidney disease.

And, you can easily improve blood sugar levels by making simple but specific adjustments to your diet and lifestyle. Want to know how? Read along.
This blog talks about 5 effective ways to maintain and improve blood sugar levels.

Ways To Improve Sugar Levels

Here's what you can do to improve blood sugar levels.

1. Go Nuts

Nuts such as almonds, pistachios, and walnuts contain healthy fats that slow the body's absorption of sugar. However, healthy fats also contain calories, so try to limit the number of nuts you eat at one time. Just six almonds or half of four pecan nuts have as many calories as a teaspoon of butter. Therefore, try to incorporate nuts into your diet in a way that only benefits you and does not mess with your body.

2. Add a Tincture of Cinnamon

Cinnamon does a lot more than just add flavour to food. A study revealed that cinnamon has the ability to reduce postprandial blood glucose levels. Cinnamon can stimulate insulin secretion from the pancreas. However, additional research is required to corroborate this point.

3. A Big No to Skipping Meals

It is important to maintain your daily food intake. Maintaining food intake doesn't mean that you have to eat everything in one go. Rather it means to spread out your food intake evenly. While spreading out meals, do not forget to start with breakfast.

Wondering why spreading food intake is important? Well, this is because consuming more food in just one or two meals a day increases blood sugar fluctuations. Eating a healthy diet three times a day with two nutritious snacks in between can help stabilize blood sugar levels.

Incorporating the right food intake habit in your life not only helps you regulate your sugar levels or prevent diabetes but also helps in preventing metabolic disorder.

Due to metabolic disorders, your fat is converted into energy, which can further lead to health issues like kidney stress, fatigue, low blood pressure, nausea, and constipation. Therefore, to kill two birds with one stone, start spreading your food intake uniformly.

4. Devour Whole Grains

Oat bran, rye, and barley are high fiber foods containing beta-glucan. This water-soluble dietary fiber prolongs the time between eating and emptying the stomach and prevents blood sugar spikes.

However, always keep in mind that these foods are still carbohydrates. Whole grains aren't as fast and serious as processed foods. This is why they don't raise your blood sugar levels as quickly as processed foods do.

5. Get Flexible with Vinegar

A study suggests that vinegar may help slow the body's absorption of sugar. Also, several human studies state that vinegar consumption can enhance insulin function and also improve blood sugar levels.

Although the potential health benefits of vinegar are still being studied, people with type 2 diabetes are often advised to drink a tablespoon of vinegar with each meal. However, if you want to improve blood sugar, you need to go for reliable apple cider vinegar products such as:

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar from Wellbeing Nutrition is made from red and golden Himalayan apples and contains 2 times more digestive and "Mother" enzymes for enhanced benefits. With this ACV product, you can expect to lose weight, enhance skin health, improve blood sugar levels and gut health.


Apple Cider Vinegar with Amla and Turmeric

ACV with Amla and Turmeric packs an even more powerful punch because of the natural ingredients it comes with. This supplement, along with ACV, comes with cinnamon, black pepper, amla, and turmeric to help you control your weight and improve blood sugar levels.

These were some important and effective ways of keeping your blood sugar levels under control and preventing issues such as metabolic disorders and diabetes. However, if you want to keep dangerous blood sugar levels at bay more effectively, we have a supplement for you: Daily Greens.

This supplement contains nutrients extracted from 39 fresh farm veggies in the form of effervescent tablets that dissolve as soon as you place them in a glass of water. With Daily Greens, you can meet your body's daily nutrient needs and enjoy normal blood sugar levels, better metabolism, oxidation, immunity, reduced bloating, enhanced digestion, and glowing skin.

Wrapping Up

Abnormal blood sugar levels are a matter of great concern. After all, they lead to serious complications such as heart issues, diabetes, etc. Fortunately, by following the above-mentioned methods and by including Daily Greens, Apple Cider Vinegar and Apple Cider Vinegar with Amla and Turmeric in your diet, you can definitely bring and maintain your blood sugar levels to normal.


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